Various massage scalp method

Block scalp aging comb my hair have skills
Step 1 first must remember from the messy hair began to case, instyler australiathe strength should be light and even, avoid too much force, leading to stimulate a scalp.
Step 2 round head plate comb gently pat skin, or use the other hand gently press a comb, to stimulate scalp to promote blood circulation purpose. If every day to do at bedtime, the effect will be even more significant.
Step 3 formal do up one's hair is to start from the forehead hair line began to backward comb.
Step 4 and then in the opposite direction, and then along the scruff place hairline after from hair forward.


Step 5 finally from the left, right above the ear began, respectively in the opposite direction to their paper.
For the above 5 steps after, can also optionally comb again a few times.
Gold point
Stylist show, the top of head in gold point position is very important. Not only in creating hair often often with gold point as points area standard in massage scalp, Two Instyler Australia Rotating Irons Combinationalso can use both hands middle finger and forefinger point pressure massage gold point, to relieve the scalp is of great help.
Along the temple
Massage head gold point ended, can continue to use the double refers to in the golden point to the temple on the attachment point pressure massage, press the strength can increase a little.
Thrust his
Will the fingers of both hands respectively from the left, right above the ear a little hard to head inclined top jog his scalp,Two Instyler Australia Rotating Irons Silver avoid by all means is too much force pulling scalp, action can repeat 3 ~ 5 times. The same method can also be used to his forehead hairline place.